Digital Marketing Tips for 2020

Digital Marketing Tips for 2020

Digital marketing concept
stux / Pixabay
We’re halfway into the first year of a new decade. Many B2C marketers and business owners have swept their marketing plans under the rug due to the unforeseen impact that COVID-19 has had on the very fabric of society. The good news is that there are still many opportunities to take advantage of during these unprecedented and challenging times to reach customers through digital marketing. The following tips are a great start, some of which can be implemented right away even if your marketing budget is on shaky terms at the moment.

Take Advantage of the Facebook Story Section

I’m not talking about disappearing Facebook stories, though they are just as relevant as ever. I’m talking about the most prevalent and visually-focused section on a business’s Facebook Page About section, which includes a detailed “about us” text box that showcases a business’s strengths and history. I recommend an attractive cover-style photo — the page’s existing cover photo works if nothing comparable is available — as well as relevant links and smaller photos within the text section. You can even use headers, bulleted lists and other text formatting to help your or your client’s business stand out on Facebook.

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You probably already know the importance of Google My Business for SEO and overall online credibility
. What you may not know is how useful its Google Posts feature is. Businesses can use these posts — which are similar to social media posts in numerous ways — to update their customers and potential customers regarding promotions, business events, new blog posts and more. Photos, videos and links can all be uploaded to these posts to further personalize the experience for each business. Posting as regularly as you would on social media can boost your or your client’s online appearance in impactful ways, as these pieces of content appear along with the GMB knowledge panel on Google Maps and Google Search.

Optimize for Mobile

From ensuring your or your client’s website is mobile-friendly to considering avenues such as Tik-Tok and influencer marketing, accepting that we are rapidly moving to a mobile-first society can only serve to help you boost online engagement and visibility. Consider consulting with someone who is more familiar with mobile technology if you are still trying to catch up to the latest trends in the mobile marketing space. Research alone can help you see where mobile marketing currently stands and where it is headed.

Incorporate Video Marketing

Including video in your 2020 marketing plans is more than useful — it is vital. Ad spend in the video space continues to expand, which means that you need to get on board before the competition overtakes you or your client. Taking a serious look at video-focused platforms —from YouTube to TikTok and even Instagram — can help you stay abreast of the latest video trends and keep your head above water in the marketing space.
The digital and marketing landscapes are constantly changing, which COVID-19 has made glaringly clear. Keeping yourself informed of the latest tools, technologies and best practices for online B2C marketing is the best way to stay one step ahead of the competition.

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